After her nap today I was brushing her hair and getting ready to put it in two ponytails. She said, "Mom, put it into one ponytail so I will look like a unicorn." So I put it up in the center of her head adorned with a pretty pink ribbon. She then started looking in the mirror and said, "Look at this magical, talking mirror, Mom."
Then the singing began. I wish I could have taped it so you could hear the melody but my camera is on the brink right now. So imagine the melody.....
My horn.
My horn.
My own flying horse.
(Then again, but louder.)
My horn.
My horn.
My own flying horse.
And then she would erupt in the biggest case of giggles ever. She sang this over and over. She is still singing it. She even made up a dance too----of course you have to giggle at the end every time.
Maybe she will grow up to be a famous songwriter. Then I can say, "Oh, she started making up songs before she was even two. We just knew she would be amazing."