Monday, September 28, 2009

my own flying horse

Even before Kaya could talk in sentences, she would make up songs. She loves to sing about whatever she is doing, or whatever she is thinking about. She also likes to sing songs filled with her favorite "bad" words (stupid, pee, poop, penis, vagina) but I don't really think those are the cutest moments. But her latest "song" really made me laugh.

After her nap today I was brushing her hair and getting ready to put it in two ponytails. She said, "Mom, put it into one ponytail so I will look like a unicorn." So I put it up in the center of her head adorned with a pretty pink ribbon. She then started looking in the mirror and said, "Look at this magical, talking mirror, Mom."

Then the singing began. I wish I could have taped it so you could hear the melody but my camera is on the brink right now. So imagine the melody.....

My horn.
My horn.
My own flying horse.

(Then again, but louder.)

My horn.
My horn.
My own flying horse.

And then she would erupt in the biggest case of giggles ever. She sang this over and over. She is still singing it. She even made up a dance too----of course you have to giggle at the end every time.

Maybe she will grow up to be a famous songwriter. Then I can say, "Oh, she started making up songs before she was even two. We just knew she would be amazing."

Thursday, September 17, 2009

through my daughter's eyes

Having a daughter is a truly remarkable blessing. Watching her as she embraces each day with excitement, curiosity, and laughter is almost breathtaking. You could say she doesn't know how cute and adorable she is to all of those around her......oh wait, she does know exactly how cute and adorable she is, and she milks every moment of it.

This past weekend I celebrated my (we'll just call it 23rd, since that is what Kaya says) birthday. I was opening my gifts from my in-laws and had some really beautiful pajamas. I was excited to receive them-because who doesn't love wonderful pajamas & gowns-but not as excited as Kaya.

As soon as I opened the box, she took off her clothes to put my gowns on. She pranced around in my new houseshoes and gowns and talked about how "beoootiful" she was. She was in heaven.

It took me back to when I was young and used to watch my mom put on her makeup. There wasn't a prettier woman in the world in my eyes. I couldn't wait to be big enough to put on makeup too. I also remember sneaking in her closet and trying on her heels.
It kind of blows my mind now that I have someone looking at me with that same admiration.

It also makes me understand how my mom must have felt too. As much as I loved my mom, I had no ideal how incredible her love as a mother was for me.

Don't you love this pose? It looks like Kaya is thinking, "It is so hard to be so glamorous and pretty."

I'm glad I got such great gifts for my birthday. I'm even more grateful that I have such a precious daughter to share them with.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

my early birthday surprise!!

My birthday is 9 days away but I got a great surprise this Friday for an early new ride!!

I love it. But most of all I loved the sneakiness my hubby used to surprise me. He told me he had a teleconference call at 4:00. He usually gets off work at 4:00 so I was so pissed off his company would make him work before the holiday weekend that late---if anything they should let him get off early!

Well, he did get off early. He was at the dealership getting my surprise. He didn't even tell me. I was so excited to see him at 4:15 I was just hugging him and said lets go out and chat and let the kids play on the play set. Kaya of course wouldn't put her shoes on so I said, "I'll go out to my car and get some shoes. She took them off today and there are some in the backseat." I walked around front and saw this beauty and squealed with excitement!!!
What a fun way to start the weekend.

Friday, September 4, 2009

coffee crafts

These aren't out of this world crafts. Just crafts to keep your kids busy long enough to drink that precious first cup of coffee.

Zander loves to glue so I gave him a piece of foam, several pom-poms, and some magi-nuudles to make his masterpiece.
Kaya loves to make friendship bracelets with pipecleaners and beads. Or "ancient bracelets" as she says.
These simple activities kept them happy for about 10 minutes so I could drink my coffee in peace. Hope you can use this idea when you have a morning like this when they get you up way too early.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

at least the laundry pile will be smaller

This morning I went into Kaya's room.

"What are you doing sweetie?"
"I'm getting dressed."
I notice she is getting her clothes out of the hamper. I say, "Pick something else out. You already wore that twice this week."
"Oh don't worry mom. It is still clean. It still smells nice." And she takes a big whiff of her dirty clothes. Then she made me smell them---not too bad, at least she got dressed.