Monday, December 28, 2009

inspiration returned

Since my camera has been dysfunctional (early October) I have felt like a piece of me was missing. I couldn't capture my favorite moments on film just in my mind. I knew I liked photography but didn't realize how much until that part of my life was gone.

But my inspiration returned this Christmas. Joy! Joy! Happy! Happy! A working camera is now in my hands again. I received my mother-in-laws INCREDIBLE hand-me-down camera.

I have lots to blog about and now that I'm back to taking pictures I'm sure I'll be inspired. I just hope my few readers haven't left for good....

Christmas was wonderful! Full of laughter and sweet child innocence (and mischief). But one of my favorite moments is this....

When we were at Matt's mom's house the extended family came over for Christmas. With a room full of people opening presents, Kaya received a rock star Barbie kit from her cousins Josh & Nikki. She immediately stripped her clothes off, put on her costume, and rocked out for us. For a long time. Non-stop. Getting louder and louder for us. She just kept singing and singing, oblivious to the fact that everyone was still opening gifts. She was full of energy, joy, and laughter. After each song she giggled like crazy. I wish you could have been there but if you weren' are the photos---

I hope everyone else had a holiday filled with laughter and lots of love! I'm glad to back in the blogging world!!!