Sunday, July 20, 2008

clothing transformation

This week I was sorting through clothes to store and hand-down to friends. Kaya is growing so quickly and always outgrowing her things. I was looking at Zander's clothes and thought what a shame she can't wear his. (Because I do want her clothes to look girly, just a quirk of mine).

As I folded up these overalls and shirt, I suddenly had a brilliant plan! I could make them girly with my stitching skills! So Friday and Saturday night I sat on the couch, watched too many cheesy Lifetime movies, and created this...

I can't wait to get into Zander's old clothes again to see what I can transform!!!


RYD said...

Crafty, I am SO jealous! LOVE what you did with the overalls, especially the "Love, Mommy" part. You should totally sell this stuff - and if you do, let me know and I'll put a link on my blog.

Anonymous said...

What a great transformation!Is this all hand stitched? I'm impressed!!! I'm sure Kaya enjoys wearing this new outfit.

craftykorisa said...

It was handstitched! I love doing hand needlework.

Ryd, It is my DREAM to one day sell things like this. It may be a year or two down the road, but I will definitely let you know when I do!

karagh said...

You are brilliant!

Wigglebug Photography said...

Wow! These are great! you did them by hand? Did you use embrodery floss? If our next baby is a girl I am going to send you all of Lane's clothes!
Tricia said...

You are AMAZING!!!

RYD said...

The woman who made millions selling silly jibbitz to Crocs started out very small. My thought: start small, dream big, win bigger. You can do it! (And let me know and I'll be happy to post a link).