Sunday, October 19, 2008

welcome-home bags

Yesterday I decided to make some welcome-home bags for Z & K. I actually got out for the first time since my surgery to go to The Dollar Tree and loaded up on toys and goodies for my babies (along with other various items that was my original purpose for going).

I found plain white bags there that were 2/$1.00 and knew they would be perfect for decorating. I also know I could have gotten other bags for a dollar but when you love to craft, you love to craft.

I used a sponge to cut a heart to stamp the background of the bags. I also used an old sewing thread spool for an additional design.

After I stamped on the designs, I painted Zander and Kaya's names on the front with a message from myself.

It was a fun way to personalize a gift bag. This would be fun for kids to do too!

1 comment: said...

i am so happy you are back to your crafting and your kids are back home!

Home Sweet Home.