Today was WONDERFUL!!! I guess that is why I have been brainwashing my kids that Halloween is such a great holiday!
We first woke up to watch Charlie Brown's Its the Great Pumpkin..........Zander and Kaya loved it!!! Zander kept holding his Halloween Card his Grandma sent and said "Mama, Pumpkin Patch card. Mama, Pumpkin Patch TV." Yes, he is just as obsessed with TV as I am.....not a great trait I've given him, I know. So all day he kept saying, "Pumpkin Patch, again." And being that it WAS Halloween, how could I say NO?
After a full day of fun, a playdate at a neighbors house, and way too much candy.......we went Trick or Treating. Zander seemed to think trick or treating was about getting inside people's house as quick as you could while they handed out candy. Amazingly Kaya did know to go to the door but she wanted to open candy as soon as it was given out. At only 13 months old, she knows how to get through those candy wrappers to get to the goods! I'm sure everyone in my neighborhood thought I feed them candy daily for lunch the way those two ripped through it. So much for parents going home and sorting through your candy.
The sweetest moment was when Matt was pulling them in the wagon and Zander looked up at me for a few seconds and said, "Thank You Mama." I thought I was going to cry right there on the street. I often think, "Do they even realize how special I'm trying to make this for them, they are so little?". When he looked up at me with those huge brown eyes, I knew. I'm doing ok. I make mistakes, like we all do, but he knows.......I love him & Kaya more than anything. My sweet husband told me later that Zander had looked at him while trick or treating and said, "Daddas, Zan Zan happy."
We came home and let the kids eat themselves silly on candy. After those comments, how could we refuse? Zander ate M&Ms and watched The Great Pumpkin once again while Kaya laughed out loud and stumbled around like a little girl drunk on candy. We finally got them settled down and they both went right to sleep.
Who could hate Halloween? What a day of fun, sweet candy, and unforgettable love????
So glad you had such an enjoyable Halloween as that IS your fav holiday.
Anyone reading this BLOG I have asked my neighbor (who is Kindermusik certified) to consider doing a monthly class from her home (or mine). I think it/she might be a HUGE success!
I hope YOU know what a BIG heart you have. We do! Your friends may not see you or talk to you often, but we KNOW what a GREAT mother and wife you are to your family.
Yes! Take care and LOVE yourself first or you won't have anything to give to your loved ones.
Enjoy everyday with your family because you never know what what terrible or fantastic things are right around the corner. Although you may want to hide from the terrible things, that's no way to love. Enjoy ALL moments...the good and the bad and continue to learn and grow from them.
You are a great person and we all have a lot to learn from you...your spirit is a pleasure to be around and I see it in your kids more and more each time I visit.
You are doing a great job and NEVER doubt that. Any child would be lucky to be part of your family.
Keep up the good work and home and on your blog.
We love ya!
What a lovely post! I'm so glad that you had a great Halloween. You used to make Halloween so much fun for my kids, we miss you in this neighborhood. The end of your post brought tears to my eyes, how totally sweet. Zander seems to understand all that his mama has done for him.
Zander and Kaya are so cute in their Halloween costumes!
~Misty :)
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