In anticipation of The Blizzard of 2010 here in Georgia, we had some "snow" lessons here at home this week.
The first thing we did was make our own snow inside. To do this you need shaving cream, white paint and a flat cookie sheet or pan. We mixed together the shaving cream and paint (the paint makes it a little thicker that just using the shaving cream) on our sheets. And then we had fun!!
The next day we used our magnetic boards to make words. I made cards for them that said snow, ice, cold, and play.
This is an easy activity you could do with your kids anytime. They really enjoy it---Kaya told me it was her favorite part of the day.
And finally the next day we got our actual white stuff. They loved playing in it. Not enough to make a snowman but enough to make footprints----and that seemed to be good enough for these guys!

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