I always remember playing with my cousins. We would either go into the attic upstairs or go roam around outside. Now, I could go on with this like it was a picture-perfect story where we all got along....
We all loved each other, but the picture-perfect story isn't what I remembered. I remember being made fun of because I was the "prissy, scaredy-cat cousin". The cousin that couldn't ride a bike, spoke in "too big" words, and always dressed fancy.
Don't worry dear cousins that read this.....I'm not bitter, I actually find it funny now. I laugh so hard now when I tell the "cousins making fun of me" stories now because they are so true. I think I owe that to my mom and dad who always made me think I was "the most beautiful and smart girl in the world".....which is probably why you guys made fun of me!
I do remember, regardless of how I was made fun of (thanks mom and dad, again), that it was a pretty fun time when we would go out and explore.....
Back to REAL TIME......this was the first Memorial Day that all of us were together. We were talking that the last time we had a picture made together Felisha & Michael were about 10 years old.......now they are around 27 (I think) and like Lora said, "Felisha was frowning in the background." Now Felisha is about the happiest gal on the block!
I think fondly of all of my cousins in different ways.....
John--the risktaker....I always remember him with the nail in his foot, then catching on fire. He used to live on the edge......the crazy cousin! I'm not sure if he lives on the edge now but he always has a funny remark.
Angela--Well, Angela, I could write a whole paragraph about. My cousin I used to fight with endlessly.......but also the cousin I relate to the most. She is silly, outspoken, never lets anyone else get the final word. We used to have our disagreements but now when I see her there isn't a person that makes me laugh louder. I love her honesty and zest for life!
(If I was putting myself in the order of cousins......this is where I fit)
Amy--My first best friend. And she is still a person I could tell anything and trust her forever. Most of my favorite childhood memories include her. She taught me to ride a bike (finally, at age 12), she was there for my first crush, there for the stories of my first kiss, she was there for all of my good stories. A best friend I will always hold dear to my heart.
Kim-One of the purest souls ever. I used to be protective of her.....now I find her a true confidant and friend. She is one of the hardest workers I have ever seen and one of the purest hearts in the world. Matt and I both agree that she is a special person that is rare in this world.
Michael--Actually, he is my brother, not my cousin. But he is one of the most loved people I've known. People that know me ( and not him) say, "I can't wait to meet your brother." I always say, "Think of me and then think of the total opposite. That is my brother." I'm so talkative and outgoing. He isn't. But I don't know of anyone that doesn't love him. Everyone loves Michael. He is the BEST.
Felisha--Such a sweet, smart, outgoing gal. I often think Felisha is like me...Outspoken, opinionated, crafty, self-confident. I am very proud of her and all she has accomplished.
Lora--Lora makes everyone smile. Everyone likes her. I remember when she was born and a toddler. I loved being with her ( I think I was 8 or 9) because I thought she was the funniest girl! I loved babysitting her when I was a teenager because she always agreed that anything I thought of was fun!
Lora--Lora makes everyone smile. Everyone likes her. I remember when she was born and a toddler. I loved being with her ( I think I was 8 or 9) because I thought she was the funniest girl! I loved babysitting her when I was a teenager because she always agreed that anything I thought of was fun!
Evan--I spent a lot of time with Evan when I was growing up. I remember he got stitches more than any child I've ever known!!! Life was never boring when he was around!! He was always so sweet though, almost like a 2nd little brother.
Rebecca-I loved holding Rebecca when she was little girl. She was always so friendly and such sweet thing! She has grown up to be a very smart, friendly, sweet woman.
Erin--She is quite a bit younger than all of us but still part of the first generation of cousins. I remember thinking she was the prettiest baby I had ever seen........until I saw my own babies (sorry Erin).....you'll understand in a few years......but she was so beautiful. I took pictures of her all the time when she was a baby and toddler. She could be a handful but was so cute...
When I saw her this weekend it almost took my breath away to see what a beautiful teenager she has become...how time flies....
Now you've heard about the cousin generation........here is the next generation. I can't believe we all have kids this age!
And look at my lovely daughter mooning the camera......ok, so now my cousins can make fun of me once again.
The kids finally stand semi-still.
I'm not sure why Great-Grandpa is laughing......who knows? Looks like something my kids are doing, again.
And here are the first generation of kids. My mom with here brothers. By the way, my mom isn't very short...she is probably 5'6'' or 5'7'' but my uncles are really tall. (Matt's hoping Zan takes the tall genes to play basketball for U of L.
And my kids LOVED playing and being with all of their cousins.....can't you tell?

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