No matter how annoyed I get with my kids (which is a lot lately......I chalk it up to Kaya being 2 1/2 years old and Zander being 3 1/2 years old) the outdoor wonderfulness always puts me in a better mood.
So we have started a daily routine of cloud gazing, bird watching, and flower picking (you gotta love the has been a low of 60 degrees and a high of 80+ degrees each day this week).
So I take out of blankets and we just enjoy nature (in between my laundry and housecleaning...which has really suffered this week....oh well!)
We first lay on our blankets and gaze at the clouds. We also read books in-between each cloud gazing moment. The book-lover I am, this is the perfect life.
I told him "No, that is so smart of you to think of that, but blankets are just blankets...not like clouds."
While we stretch out and watch the clouds, we also look for birds to visit our feeders. I only got a picture of one because like Zan says "Kaya is always too loud and scares the birds away while we are outside." He really wanted me to get a picture of our red robin and cardinal that visits us daily.......when we are inside.......away from Kaya's noise!