Wednesday, June 4, 2008

new blog

Yes, you may notice on the sidebar that I have started another blog.

I have been up & down about am I doing the right thing by being so adamant that the kids stay at home with me until kindergarten. After much thought and prayer, I've made peace with myself and my choice. This is what works for me, for now anyway.

It is so hard being a mom. Being judged for doing something or not doing something. It is hard enough without the opinions of the professionals, the media, the other parents, family, etc, to further confuse you.

So, here is my site. Nothing groundbreaking. Just activities that I will try to post a few times a week that I do at home with my kiddos. This blog will be less personal than CraftyKorisa---basically a guide for educational, fun activities to do with preschoolers. My kids will, of course, still be on it since they will be the ones participating. I'll just basically be describing the activities however. Don't worry, I will include any funny stories about anything they do still on my CraftyKorisa site. And I'm sure the pictures will still be cute for those of you that read CraftyKorisa just to "oooh & aaah" over Zander and Kaya!

I know other moms are out there like me. Just trying their best to be the best mom they know how to be. I hope I can offer some inspiration and encouragement!

So here goes.....check it out if you wish!

Just click here, 2 Tots 2 Teach

3 comments: said...

oh how i have missed you! how i have missed me! I have had the same thoughts about blogging lately, me have ideas? write about what? but then right after that, you create a whole new amazing blog. Isn't that just the way it is. when you think you are all dried up, something new and beautiful is right there under the surface, ready to bloom. YOU are BREATHTAKING!

JonDavid and Karissa said...

oh my gosh!When can i meet you? You are an amazing women.

Tiffany said...

You are definitely doing the right thing with them. They are already so far ahead because of everything you do with them. It would be a different story if they weren't socializing with other children or not doing any educational activities at home. Don't worry: You are a fantastic mom and your new website with really help out when Kaylee gets older.