Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Monday, December 28, 2009
inspiration returned
But my inspiration returned this Christmas. Joy! Joy! Happy! Happy! A working camera is now in my hands again. I received my mother-in-laws INCREDIBLE hand-me-down camera.
I have lots to blog about and now that I'm back to taking pictures I'm sure I'll be inspired. I just hope my few readers haven't left for good....
Christmas was wonderful! Full of laughter and sweet child innocence (and mischief). But one of my favorite moments is this....
When we were at Matt's mom's house the extended family came over for Christmas. With a room full of people opening presents, Kaya received a rock star Barbie kit from her cousins Josh & Nikki. She immediately stripped her clothes off, put on her costume, and rocked out for us. For a long time. Non-stop. Getting louder and louder for us. She just kept singing and singing, oblivious to the fact that everyone was still opening gifts. She was full of energy, joy, and laughter. After each song she giggled like crazy. I wish you could have been there but if you weren't........here are the photos---
Thursday, November 26, 2009
I am thankful for "dishes"
Chores. Really, who enjoys them? I am not the greatest housekeeper in the world but I try to keep it together as much as I can.
But a few months ago, being the stay-at-home mom and primary housekeeper, the lack of respect from my kids for all the chores was driving me crazy. I would work like crazy and they would follow along and work like crazy to mess it all up!
So the introduction of the chore chart began. Each day the kids were responsible for 3 chores. We did this faithfully for about 3 weeks then with the craziness of life I forgot to keep it up!
But they still do chores (I guess the "chore-system" worked after all). Now all I have to say is, "Go make up your bed." "Go pick up your toys so mom can vacuum." And they do it......most of the time.
But the new chore they love the most is helping me wash dishes. Which is ironic, because that is the chore I despise the most. I HATE washing dishes. And I HATE putting dishes away. If I could hire a little fairy to do those jobs every day, I would be in heaven.
I remember when I was 11 or 12, that chore became part of my daily life. I HATED it! I remember telling my mom once, "You only had me so I would wash your dishes. I will NEVER make my kids wash dishes."
I still don't like to do it. I will cook a feast for an army but I hate the clean-up. A couple of my friends that come over for playdates or parties always do the dishes for me (and I love them dearly for it!). I will cook for you........but I never volunteer to wash the dishes unless necessary.
So, gulp, yep, I'm eating my words. Not only are my kids washing dishes......they are doing it at 3 and 4 years old. They do a great job, too! It is amazing....they actually fight over who gets to help wash dishes each night. It has become a kind of game. Whomever acts the best during dinner, gets to wash the dishes. I'm dumbfounded. They love to do it!
And now, after 20 years of hating getting my hands in that soapy, greasy water.....I love it too. I'm thankful that my kids love doing dishes so much. It makes that chore quite a bit more cheerful! Especially when Kaya says (everytime), "Mom, washing dishes with you is my favorite part of the day." And last night Zander said, "Mom, Kaya was right. This is really a lot of fun."
You both are right kids, it is a lot of fun. And spending time with the two of you when we wash dishes is my favorite part of the day too.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
unwritten travels challenge
My challenge.
If you have been diving into this book......and if you haven't you should....the very cute and creative authors have made a challenge for us. A challenge for the Thanksgiving holiday. And I'm sure I'm the only one that accepts this specific one.
5. Leftovers in the Refrigerator.
I love leftovers. Wait, let me rephrase that. I LOVE LEFTOVERS. Especially Thanksgiving Leftovers. I often tell my kids, " Do you know why I like to be a grown-up? Because you can eat leftovers or Chef-Boyardee for breakfast anytime you wish!" I don't actually rub it into their faces. I let them eat pizza or macaroni and cheese for breakfast when I am... if they wish.
I know, I know. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. My mom served me a home-cooked meal every day that I lived with her. I do it too now with my kids......well, I do it if you consider cereal with milk a home-cooked meal. Actually they are on a boiled-egg kick now. I will boil 6 eggs and they gobble them up and then want yogurt or oatmeal......I digress from my point. But breakfast was always served in my home and made very important.
Which seems weird because I am the total opposition of breakfast. Don't get me wrong, I will eat bacon, eggs, sausage, gravy, biscuits, pancakes, any time it is put in front of me. And I will also stand over the stove forever to fix all of those things for any special guest in my house. However, if I had my wish.....I would have wonderful leftovers from dinner every day of the year.
But Thanksgiving leftovers.....they make my mouth salivate thinking about them now. The best Macaroni and cheese ever, green bean casserole, broccoli casserole, mashed potatoes, cold turkey (with the skin attached), rolls, mashed potatoes & gravy. Now that is the best breakfast ever that I can think of.
Which makes me sad about this year. We are now going to have Matt's steaks for Thanksgiving since no one is coming over. Don't get me wrong, his steaks are the savory, delicious, and so wonderful. So wonderful--there won't be any leftovers.
Which means I may have to make some broccoli casserole and macaroni & cheese just for that Friday morning-leftovers sake.
I'm grateful.
I'm grateful for chilly mornings-
when I awaken to a crystalized blanket of white on the ground.
I'm grateful.
I'm grateful for warm mugs-
filled with flavored coffee and hot chocolate.
I'm grateful.
I'm grateful for little fingers and toes-
that pinch my legs and poke my face while trying to get closer to snuggle with mommy.
I'm grateful.
I'm grateful for today-
for all of the tiny blessings and challenges that come toward me.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
first fishing trip
Although I've never been known to be the "outdoorsy" type, I have always loved fishing. Fishing with my Dad. We would always bundle up and race down the lake in the boat to find the perfect spot (located above broken tree branches) to fish for crappie and bluegill. It is one of my favorite things in the world to do and it has been way too long since I've had that peaceful activity in my life.
So today, when my Dad wanted to know if it was too cold to take the kids fishing for the first time, I was thrilled. Now for most, it would have been too cold....but not for my Dad. He's not just the leisure fisherman, he is serious business fisherman. And he always took me when it was cold and I wanted my kids to have the real taste of fishing.
So we froze driving down the lake. The best part about freezing however is when you stop. Then the sun hits the lake's reflection and warms you up..........inside and out.

I love the quiet. The calm. The patience required to catch a fish.

And when you feel that first tug....it is exhilarating!

But the first catch is even more so!!!!

I'm so glad that my son loves my all-time favorite "fishing snack", Armour Vienna Sausage. Dad and I would have them every time I went fishing with him as a little (and not so little) girl.

We could several today. Zander was even pulling in some himself!!! Out of the 20 or so we caught though we only had 2 keepers. The kids were thrilled when we measured this one and it was 13 inches!
So today, when my Dad wanted to know if it was too cold to take the kids fishing for the first time, I was thrilled. Now for most, it would have been too cold....but not for my Dad. He's not just the leisure fisherman, he is serious business fisherman. And he always took me when it was cold and I wanted my kids to have the real taste of fishing.
So we froze driving down the lake. The best part about freezing however is when you stop. Then the sun hits the lake's reflection and warms you up..........inside and out.
I love the quiet. The calm. The patience required to catch a fish.
And when you feel that first tug....it is exhilarating!
But the first catch is even more so!!!!
I'm so glad that my son loves my all-time favorite "fishing snack", Armour Vienna Sausage. Dad and I would have them every time I went fishing with him as a little (and not so little) girl.
We could several today. Zander was even pulling in some himself!!! Out of the 20 or so we caught though we only had 2 keepers. The kids were thrilled when we measured this one and it was 13 inches!
Monday, November 2, 2009
our little pumpkin pie
She is such a good listener.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
fun with my girls
You know, every once in a while...you just have to let it loose with the girls!
That is why I love book club. Or the ideal of book club......I'm usually the nerd and always read the book ready to answer the questions.
A few years ago, a good friend of Matt's, Myloan, invited me to a book club. I remember I read the book front to back, read the discussion questions so I could answer them correctly, and I went. I DID think it was a little strange that all the names were kind of different (0r asian, honestly) so I did say to Matt, " I have to study hard, or all of these girls that are Asian are going to think I'm one stupid white girl."
So I went to my first book club. The girls were so cute, they said, "Did you read the book?" I said, "Of course I did." They laughed and asked for my review of the book so they could participate in the conversation. I was astonished that I was actually contributing something to the conversation. They also had food. Food with peanuts (that I'm severely allergic to)...but I didn't want to stand out so I put the food in my mouth, discreetly spit it out, and took 3 benadryll pills. Now that I know the girls better.....I know that was crazy! I just wanted to fit in....with my Asian Book Club.
We met a few more times and I was so proud, I was the only white-token girl in the Asian Book Club---that must mean they like me!!! We had lots of fun times and I became great friends with lots of girls in our club!!
But then......many of us got pregnant, traveled a lot, got busy.........our club kind of went out of business.
So, I moved to my great neighborhood and another great book club formed. We have had a blast! We read our books, discuss, and drink LOTS of wine! Us girls have gotten really close!
Our last meeting, at Steph's house, we talked about doing a "spooky" meeting........or a Falloween meeting ( my favorite holiday I invented at my house). I said, invite any friends and I will invite my girls from my Asian Book Club since I miss them so much!
We did it. The book I picked out was a bust.....so boring, none of us read it. A few of us could come from the "neighborhood" gals and a couple from my Asian gals. But we had fun....Here we are---the Falloween gals---
I love all of you ladies.........thank you for hanging out with me and making life so fun!!!
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
the bestest day ever
The bestest day ever. That is what we had today.
I am loving the darkness until 8:00 am. Because my kids are sleeping----LATE! Well, late for us anyway.
So the kids came to my bed this morning at 7:30. Zan said, "Mom, should we just watch a show since it is still dark outside and you don't like to get up before dark?" I said sure. And I'm happy, or ashamed, that I've taught him how to turn the TV on and turn it to channel 8 (PBS). I noticed Clifford was on. Which usually means I am thrilled because that means it is after 7:30. And I was thrilled today. But motivated, to get my day started, even if it was dark.
I told the kids, "Mom will go take a shower, you guys watch Clifford in my bed." I can see them from the shower so I at least knew no toilet paper rolls would be stuffed down the toilet or no childproof Benadryl bottles would be magically opened and poured all over the guest bathroom and upstairs hallway.
When I got out of the shower I told them, "After our milks and coffee, we can clean up the bedrooms and playroom.....then, we will go to the Bounce House." I have never seen my kids clean up faster. Oh let me rephrase, I've never seen Zander clean up faster. Kaya wanted to get the toys back out on the floor---so she lost playtime for the first 10 minutes at the Bounce House.
So we actually cleaned up, I put a load of clothes in the laundry, put dinner in the crockpot, and went for the kids day of fun. I was very ambitious by taking my planner and great book I am reading now.
We got there. We were the only ones there. The kids jumped around. I would play for them for 10 minutes or so then say, "Mommy is going to make some phone calls or read." And I actually got some thing accomplished. Things I can't do when the kids are at home with me. I can NOT get on the phone-they see me on the phone and act like crazy people. I would set my phone timer for 10 minutes to go play with them--then set it for 10 minutes to go do what I wanted to do. At home when I do that, they cling to my legs.....talking on the phone is their misery. But at the Bounce House they did not notice. I refilled 5 prescriptions, I called all the teeball parents, and made other calls I needed to make. I also read 2 chapters in my fabulous book......WooHoo!
While we were there, the kids told me that they were hungry. So we went to the lobby to have snacks. While we were there, Zander said, "Thanks Mom. This is the bestest day ever." The owner said, "That is great, doesn't that make you feel good?" I said, "Yes, actually it does.
During this time, I was thinking about the tee-ball party I needed to plan. I had contacted another place. Even with their "discounts" it was going to cost all of us at least $30 each.
So I started talking to the owner at The Bounce House. She gave us such an incredible deal I was stunned! We get to take the kids for $8 each with lots more perks and extras.
I love that place........we may have to go more often!! Yes Zan, it was the bestest day ever!!!
Friday, October 23, 2009
dancin' with my babies
I have always been a dancer. Not as good as the So You Think You Can Dance crew by any means. But I love to dance. I always have.
I remember dancing to my parent's old record player. I would dance with my cousin Amy to Ronnie Milsap's "Smokey Mountain Rain." We would spin around in circles to that song until we fell down.
I remember getting in trouble in fifth grade for not paying attention. (And besides that year, I was an excellent student.......straight A's......so, I'm just saying, I don't think it is entirely my fault.) BUT that year I got into a lot of trouble....for practicing my ballet, instead of paying attention in class. ( Once again, I have to say, if the teacher was a good one, I would not have even thought of ballet, if math had been challenging enough.)
Besides my 5th grade experience.......I have always loved dance. I loved being a ballerina. It was my passion for many years. Until my teacher left (and now that I'm older, I realize that she probably left because she was living an alternative lifestyle.....and my small town in KY just couldn't accept that....or she couldn't live in a small town and be happy). I had trained long enough that I was just ready for toe-shoes (pointe-shoes). I longed for them. I could not wait. And my teacher, Ms. Betsy, left.
But my love for dance didn't leave me. Thank goodness I had a dad who could dance pretty well too. We would always do the 50's and 60's dances in the kitchen while my mom tried to cook (she always got aggravated....then, I didn't understand, NOW I do.....no one should be in my kitchen when I cook). I still brag about winning the "Twist" contest in 8th grade---because my dad taught me the right way to do it. I stayed low next to the floor twisting the entire time. My kids will LOVE hearing that story over and over, I am sure.
I continued to love dancing at parties and dances. I still love to dance when I have a couple few many drinks---and an audience.

Me, in 5th grade, at my ballet recital.
So I love to see my kids exhilaration when they dance to the music. Zander's favorite song to dance to is "Mercy" by Duffy with me. Kaya is obsessed with Taylor Swift now and wants to dance every night to just one song before she goes to bed. Then she listens to the music and I'm pretty sure dances all night until she falls asleep. Zander listens to The Beach Boys and I actually caught him one night, dancing in his room, way after bedtime.
My favorite "lesson times" with my kids is when we laugh and sing and dance with utter joy! But sometimes watching those you love the most, dance, is the best. Like a few nights ago when I stuck my head in the door and watched my dear hubby dancing with his daughter. My heart swelled 10,000 times bigger.
I'm slowly learning that being a good mom doesn't mean having the perfectly clean house (and/or children). Sometimes being a good mom just means taking the time to dance with my babies.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
how to make work into a math lesson
Well, another reason I haven't posted pictures lately while I blog is my camera, my new fabulous camera I got for Christmas last year, is not working. And...my other two that worked, but weren't as fabulous---I donated to charity. And...I can't find the receipt anywhere for my new one (I could blame that on my meticulous husband who donates or throws everything away......or I can blame on myself morphing into my dear husband who donates or throws everything away). So, every time I want to take a picture.....I am out of luck.
So---here is my math lesson (without pictures.....sorry.....hope you can follow). Now at first, at Publix, while we were waiting to have subs made for lunch, I took the kids through the Halloween Castle to pick out treats for our friends. I even got paper lunchbags to put them in. I already had plans that the three of us would decorate them beautifully for our trick-or-treaters. But then Matt entered the picture. He said, " I don't know why you think you always have to have the best at Halloween (really, he wonders why I think that). We don't need that much. We don't need bags. That is ridiculous." So I put all of the stuff up. We only got a few treats for the trick-or-treaters. And I hated it I couldn't make my cute bags.
But the next morning I had a plan. I figured out I had over 100 sandwich bags in our pantry......from Aldi.......super cheap! So I put the kids to work. I made a diagram on a white piece of paper that said (or was actually drawn out)....2 pieces of gum, 2 blowpops, 1 bag of M&M's, and then put them in a ziploc with a halloween sticker.
The kids loved their math assignment. I sat there with them and they counted out each perfectly. A perfect math assignment, indeed.
Monday, October 19, 2009
what to do?
I have so missed blogging. I love it. I love sharing myself with you guys and crazily checking my messages to check to see if anyone has read my thoughts. I kind of feel lost without it.
I'll tell you why I've been out of commission. One, I started feeling like total crap a month ago. I had rectal bleeding and so much pain it was ridiculous ( I know for some, tmi, but for the rest of you, you understand). I just had a total hysterectomy a year ago and this new agony depressed me misreably. I was finally feeling great. I even asked for a gym membership for my birthday present. Through this bout I was in the hospital twice. I had many tests. My white-blood-count was extremely high (which showed an infection or something else). I was told I have colitis....which could be triggered by ulcerative colitis or Chrohns disease. 3 doctors thought it looked like Chrohn's. But I had a colonoscopy (which if any of you have had one........bless you, the prep is a nightmare....enough said) and he only saw a hemorrhoid, not Chrohns, not cancer, not ulcerative colitis. So I should be good to go............but I was still having severe pain. I had been in the hospital for 2 1/2 days, when the city was undergoing a severe flood, when the 4th doctor comes in and says, "Oh, maybe it is just gas. Just take some Gas-X." I had been there forever, through numerous tests.......I couldn't believe it. And so, I had a breakdown.
I was crying uncontrollably. I could not take it. It was unreal. I paged the nurse. I wanted to see the doctor. I couldn't believe that was my diagnosis.
The nurse came in and tried to console me. She basically told me to find a doctor I trusted, one who would help me take care of my problems. The doctors there just want to get you in and out. She told me to find a doctor I trust.
So I called Dr. Burton, my doctor that did my hysterectomy. My doctor that delivered Zander. My doctor that helped me through all of my endometriosis problems. He saw me the very next day.
Dr. Burton is the absolute best. He hugs me and cares about my problems. He examines thorougly and always talks about whatever is bothering you. He is like a father figure...........I wish I could nominate him for a prize........he always makes me feel better! He examined me and said yes, I did still have a small intestine infection (but all of the antibiotics I got in the hospital would make me feel better). So I didn't feel crazy.... and he helped me understand that maybe I was anxious or depressed and needed medicine to help that too. I've taken the medicine and I feel great! All of those I love most ( Matt and mom) have seen a great difference in my mood. Dr. Burton was so wonderful when I admitted to him that depression runs in my family and I didn't really want to admit I needed that help also. He hugged me and told me I was really strong for admitting I needed some help.
Even if we aren't religious, I think we all pray........to someone. I feel I pray to my personal God. There are so many religions, beliefs, but I think if you feel it in your soul, He is Your God. Thank You My God for giving me my personal family, my Mom, my Dad, and my own soul.......They help me make me who I am.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
lunchtime conversation
My greatest moments of laughter is usually when I hear the kids conversing with each other and I am not around. This afternoon, I went upstairs to put some clothes in the dryer while the kids were finishing lunch.
I heard Kaya say, "Zander, your new name is Hamster." (She loves to give people new names, my newest name is Hot-peep).
Zander said, "Kaya you can only call me Hamster if you know how to spell Hamster."
She answers, "H. R. D. N. Y."
He then says, "Well, your new name is Rod Stewart."
Kaya, "Who is Rod Stewart?"
Zander replies, "Rod Stewart is one of mommy's best friends."
Hope all of you are having a great day. Hot-peep, Hamster, and Rod Stewart are now going out to enjoy some sunshine!!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
halloween countdown tree
Yippee! We are in the month of October and my favorite holiday is right around the corner. The countdown for the big day I made a tree for the kids.
I used a small Christmas tree (if you have a white one, I think it would look even cooler) and decorated with regular twinkle lights and skull lights. I then made 31 little pockets and put stickers in them (2, one for Z & one for K).
Monday, September 28, 2009
my own flying horse
Even before Kaya could talk in sentences, she would make up songs. She loves to sing about whatever she is doing, or whatever she is thinking about. She also likes to sing songs filled with her favorite "bad" words (stupid, pee, poop, penis, vagina) but I don't really think those are the cutest moments. But her latest "song" really made me laugh.
After her nap today I was brushing her hair and getting ready to put it in two ponytails. She said, "Mom, put it into one ponytail so I will look like a unicorn." So I put it up in the center of her head adorned with a pretty pink ribbon. She then started looking in the mirror and said, "Look at this magical, talking mirror, Mom."
Then the singing began. I wish I could have taped it so you could hear the melody but my camera is on the brink right now. So imagine the melody.....
My horn.
My horn.
My own flying horse.
(Then again, but louder.)
My horn.
My horn.
My own flying horse.
And then she would erupt in the biggest case of giggles ever. She sang this over and over. She is still singing it. She even made up a dance too----of course you have to giggle at the end every time.
Maybe she will grow up to be a famous songwriter. Then I can say, "Oh, she started making up songs before she was even two. We just knew she would be amazing."
Thursday, September 17, 2009
through my daughter's eyes
Having a daughter is a truly remarkable blessing. Watching her as she embraces each day with excitement, curiosity, and laughter is almost breathtaking. You could say she doesn't know how cute and adorable she is to all of those around her......oh wait, she does know exactly how cute and adorable she is, and she milks every moment of it.
This past weekend I celebrated my (we'll just call it 23rd, since that is what Kaya says) birthday. I was opening my gifts from my in-laws and had some really beautiful pajamas. I was excited to receive them-because who doesn't love wonderful pajamas & gowns-but not as excited as Kaya.
It took me back to when I was young and used to watch my mom put on her makeup. There wasn't a prettier woman in the world in my eyes. I couldn't wait to be big enough to put on makeup too. I also remember sneaking in her closet and trying on her heels.
It kind of blows my mind now that I have someone looking at me with that same admiration.
It also makes me understand how my mom must have felt too. As much as I loved my mom, I had no ideal how incredible her love as a mother was for me.
I'm glad I got such great gifts for my birthday. I'm even more grateful that I have such a precious daughter to share them with.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Sunday, September 6, 2009
my early birthday surprise!!
My birthday is 9 days away but I got a great surprise this Friday for an early gift......my new ride!!
I love it. But most of all I loved the sneakiness my hubby used to surprise me. He told me he had a teleconference call at 4:00. He usually gets off work at 4:00 so I was so pissed off his company would make him work before the holiday weekend that late---if anything they should let him get off early!
Well, he did get off early. He was at the dealership getting my surprise. He didn't even tell me. I was so excited to see him at 4:15 I was just hugging him and said lets go out and chat and let the kids play on the play set. Kaya of course wouldn't put her shoes on so I said, "I'll go out to my car and get some shoes. She took them off today and there are some in the backseat." I walked around front and saw this beauty and squealed with excitement!!!
What a fun way to start the weekend.
Friday, September 4, 2009
coffee crafts
These aren't out of this world crafts. Just crafts to keep your kids busy long enough to drink that precious first cup of coffee.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
at least the laundry pile will be smaller
This morning I went into Kaya's room.
"What are you doing sweetie?"
"I'm getting dressed."
I notice she is getting her clothes out of the hamper. I say, "Pick something else out. You already wore that twice this week."
"Oh don't worry mom. It is still clean. It still smells nice." And she takes a big whiff of her dirty clothes. Then she made me smell them---not too bad, at least she got dressed.
Monday, August 31, 2009
what shall we do on a rainy day?
For most of the summer we have had hardly any rain. Lately, every day is a soggy one. Lucky I have a few tricks up my sleeve here at home to keep us busy when we can't go out and burn energy!
1. Paint some shirts--
This summer our Dollar Tree sold tee-shirts. I grabbed a bunch of them and keep them in my craft closet, just in case. I give the kids fabric paint and they love to decorate their shirts. The last time I drew their names out in block letters with a fabric marker and they painted in the letters.
Materials you will need: an empty jar or plastic container. Beads, uncooked pasta, beans, etc. (anything that makes a cool noise when you shake it). Let the kids fill them up and then shake around and have some fun!! I attached the lid with a glue gun so the kids wouldn't be tempted to open them up and make a enormous mess!
They also decorated their maracas with stickers. I was so proud of Zan for helping his two-year old friend with the stickers.

And this was the funniest part. The kids figured out a new way to use their instruments all on their own!

3. Little Monsters
Before we made these I read the book Monsters Don't Eat Broccoli. They designed their monsters to look like the guys in this book. I got this idea from an preschool-lesson plan book and also got the feet template from it. I think however, that you could draw your own feet to attach.
We first stuffed grocery bags into a foam bag. You could also use a paper bag to stuff or use tissue paper or newspaper to do the stuffing. I then attached the feet to the bag with my handy-dandy glue gun. I also got a ferocious blister using my glue gun so be careful if you try this at home! Then the kids decorated (well Kaya decorated hers, I helped the boys quite a bit) their monsters with googly eyes, fabrics, pipe cleaners, etc.
Hope you can use these ideas for the next rainy day you are stuck inside!
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