Monday, December 10, 2007


Do you ever have one of those days? When you think, no matter how hard I try, I can't get it all done.....

Yep, that's me today. And instead of tackling everything head on, I'm venting about it here. I usually feel pretty calm and collected, and sort of organized about my day-to-day activities. But not today......
It could be going to 2 grocery stores with the kids, rushing home, giving them lunch, putting them down for a nap.......such a nonstop whirlwind. And then I walk downstairs and think, "Oh my, what a mess!"
It could be that I just realized it is Dec.10th and I need to get all of my out-of-town gifts together.
It could be the laundry that never seems to stop growing out of all of the hampers.
Or it could be the pressure I'm putting on myself to finish all of those Christmas cards by tomorrow........and working on Zander's quilt tonight so I can make sure it is finished in time for Christmas.

I type all of this and realize, "Yes, I'm the one who is making me feel so overwhelmed."

So now I will take a deep breath, go fix a cup of my peppermint tea, and get back to those cards.

I wish you luck & peace on any of your "overwhelming" days you may have this week.

2 comments: said...

welcome to my so good to have a friend in crazy land with me!

karagh said...

YES! I feel like that quite often. My remedy is to pull the flask out of my robe pocket, take a big swig, and then remember that the laundry, dishes, and other messes will still be there tomorrow. I'm the Scarlett O'Hara of cleaning. I just worry about that tomorrow.