Saturday, November 29, 2008

what a wonderful thanksgiving

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I loved making all of the food although Matt, Ben, and Sue made fun of me for the vast amount we had. But we have been loving the leftovers! Today I'm going to try to create a leftover layer casserole in the crockpot. I'll let you know if it turns out well.

We had such fun decorating and eating our Morning Muffins on Thanksgiving day! The kids also enjoyed making placemats and name cards to decorate the table.

Thanksgiving really is more special when you're surrounded by happy children. The house was filled with giggles, shrieks, and fun!  One of their favorite things to do was playing dress-up like princesses.  Matt was thrilled to see Zander participate!

A special thanks to Sue for letting me have the great photos from her camera.  We are going out today to get my early Christmas gift,  a new camera.   My current one has finally gone completely out after about a month of driving me crazy!   I hope to figure the new one out quickly and blog again soon.....I have some Christmas (and Thanksgiving,  a little late) crafts to share.  I know I'll want to share pictures of the Christmas season with you too.  


RYD said...

Those are great photos - and Aimee had that exact Tinkerbell costume for Halloween. It may actually look better on Zander, however. :)

Anonymous said...

Glad to see Zander following in his father's footsteps! I have fond memories of Matt and I playing with grandma's old dresses, wigs, and bright red lipstick! Oh yes, it is true!!