Thursday, December 6, 2007

today's FUN to-do list

Since I love to create & craft, I usually have to make 2 to-do lists to follow each day-----the first is the one of things I have to do , the second is things I want to do. I usually tell myself that when all are accomplished on the first list, I can move on to the second. Not today......

Today I will tackle my second list!!! And if there is time to clean the floors, dust up cobwebs, and fold laundry--then I will.

Here are the items on my FUN to-do list.......

* Finish filling out Christmas Cards ( all 118 of them)......I'm halfway there!

* Bake cookies......Kaya & Zander love being my official tasters!!!

* Play Christmas Carols on the piano.....the kids and I both love doing this....notice Zander's instrument & music...

* Watch Rudolph with the kids......isn't life fun?

I hope you have a FUN to-do list you can work on'll love it!

1 comment: said...

cobwebs be damned! Thank you for posting a list...I hope you get to have this much fun all season long.