I loved the jobs she assigned me. I felt like a teacher again. It was fun to put bulletin boards together for her, write in my best cursive writing, and cut out laminated decorations. There are few things more satisfying and relaxing than cutting laminated items. Weird, I know, but ask any teacher and I bet he or she will agree. Must be something in the "teacher" gene.
But while I had great fun working in the classroom, I was also so grateful that I didn't have to do this. I just wanted to cry for my friend and the beginning of year stress I knew she was going through. During the 6 years I taught I always had that panic feeling before school started. Unless you've been in the teaching field I don't think one can even begin to comprehend all of the work that has to be done. And you still have to face your students and parents with a calm, smiling, professional smile.
I'm often asked if I will ever go back to teaching. Although I loved teaching and think that was what I was destined to do (for that period of my life, anyway) I'm not sure I could go back. I already have a full-time job as a mom. I honestly don't think I could do both well. Someone (either my kids or students) would get the short end of the stick, which wouldn't be fair.
I know several of you out there do manage both and do and incredible job of it. My mom was one. How she did it all, I'll never know (although Matt & I have serious suspicions that she may have some sort of super-human powers, even now). And to all of my friends who started back to school recently, best of luck. Hang in there and don't let the stress kill you!
Right before I started writing this post I found a wonderful site, Donors Choose in Real Simple Family. It enables teachers to choose what supplies or items they need by applying on this site. Go ahead and support a teacher......he or she will greatly appreciate it.
I love that you support teachers (and were one). I know in NJ, there is the Community Food Bank of NJ and they have a program for teachers of inner city schools that can "shop" for free, twice a year, to get necessities the school does not provide (many teachers pay from their own pocket). Definitely support a teacher. They are the ones we trust to mentor our kids.
It has been so fun listening to our kids each night tell us what they are doing in their classes. On my best days of planning and teaching my kids I have never been able to do for them what their teachers do. You would LOVE the little bag Avery's teacher sent home with her. It had tiny things like a hershey kiss, a band aid, a cotton ball, a star, etc. that represented things she could expect from 2nd grade. Brandon is reading "Tales of a 4th grade nothing" and today they are testing and creating juice, just like in the story. I get to sit here and catch up on blogs while my children's lives are being enriched by AMAZING TEACHERS!
I love my kids' teachers and fully support them in any way that I can. I am so appreciative of these wonderful ladies (and gentleman)that share of themselves to educate our children! I can only begin to imagine the stress of beginning of the year for teachers - it is stressful as a parent too. Just take that stress (of being a parent) and multiply by 20 plus add the pressure to do well professionally and then it might come close to what teacher's are going through! Yet somehow for the most part, they come out appearing professional, cheerful, and put together.
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